Some of our creations
In the dynamic landscape of social media, your brand's voice needs to stand out. From social media strategy to content creation, we bring your brand to life. Our approach goes beyond a digital presence; it's about connecting businesses with their audiences.

Our social media optimization
In a landscape saturated with content, standing out is a challenge that a professional social media strategy addresses adeptly.
Enhance your visibility and brand awareness
They convey the essence of your brand
Your brand is more than a logo, it's an experience waiting to be shared. A professional website acts as the virtual manifestation of your brand's personality. Whether it's the cozy ambiance of a coffee place, or the elegant flair of a flower shop, our websites speak the language of your brand, resonating with your target audience.
They ensure your business is accessible anywhere
Responsive design is not just a random feature for us, it's a commitment to ensuring your website looks stunning on every device. From the fluidity of navigation to the visual appeal, every aspect is carefully curated to ensure a seamless user experience, regardless of whether your audience is browsing on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. This adaptability not only enhances user satisfaction but also contributes to improved search engine rankings — a crucial factor in the competitive online arena.
They align with your objectives / convert visitors into clients
Beyond aesthetics, a professional website is strategically designed to guide visitors toward key actions. We understand the importance of converting website visits into tangible results. Whether it's encouraging users to make a reservation, request a quote, or explore your products, our websites are crafted with intuitive navigation and strategically placed calls-to-action. This intentional design not only enhances user engagement but also contributes to the achievement of your business objectives.
Something about security
Something about SEO
Fast charging too

Our bundles

✅ A one-page website
✅ Responsive
✅ Business email address
✅ Free SSL certificate
✅ Favicon
✅ Technical updates
✅ Google Maps integration
✅ YouTube videos integration
✅ Copyright free images
✅ Images slider
✅ Links to social media
✅ Contact form
From 620€
From 800€
From 1 250€
These are an indication of what we offer for indicative prices, but we understand that you may have specific needs and requests and would be more than happy to adjust to them.
✅ From 4 pages
✅ Responsive
✅ Business email address
✅ Free SSL certificate
✅ Favicon
✅ Technical updates
✅ Google Maps integration
✅ YouTube videos integration
✅ Copyright free images
✅ Images slider
✅ Links to social media
✅ Contact form
✅ Online bookings
✅ Blog
✅ Newsletter subscription

Additional services
❇️ Messenger Live Chat: 35€
❇️ Whatsapp: 35€
❇️ Additional language: 170€
❇️ Google Analytics + cookies banner: 80€
❇️ Google AdSense: 80€
❇️ Personalized code: based on the project
✅ E-commerce platform
✅ Responsive
✅ Business email address
✅ Free SSL certificate
✅ Favicon
✅ Technical updates
✅ Google Maps integration
✅ YouTube videos integration
✅ Copyright free images
✅ Images slider
✅ Links to social media
✅ Contact form
✅ Online bookings
✅ Blog
✅ Newsletter subscription
✅ Google Analytics
✅ Cookies banner
✅ Product search bar
❇️ Written content: based on the project
❇️ Legal text (confidentiality policy, terms and conditions...): from 80€
❇️ Blog article: from 50€
❇️ Graphic identity (logo, color palette, fonts): from 125€
❇️ Graphic designs: based on the project

Social media visuals
Collectif 224
Collectif 224 is a French association that wanted to
We managed their social media 💜

work in agricultural consulting, meaning that we often need to use big and complex datasets to justify expensive investments for our clients. Lilo's consultants helped us see the big picture with their visualization tools and expertise.
Béatrice Rouillard, Novasecur

Paloma Dorado, CEO Shama Retreats
work in agricultural consulting, meaning that we often need to use big and complex datasets to justify expensive investments for our clients. Lilo's consultants helped us see the big picture with their visualization tools and expertise.

work in agricultural consulting, meaning that we often need to use big and complex datasets to justify expensive investments for our clients. Lilo's consultants helped us see the big picture with their visualization tools and expertise.
Anne Juvanteny, member of the association Collectif 224

Ready to make your business stand out?
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Nous vous invitons à remplir ce formulaire, et reviendrons vers vous dans les plus brefs délais.
You can also contact us by e-mail or telephone:
💌 contact@namastecommunication.com
🇬🇷 +30 694 965 3398
🇫🇷 +336 23 55 05 53

☎️ +336 23 55 05 53

💌 contact@namastecommunication.com
Google Business Profile optimization
Social media management
Brand identity
Communication strategy
Website development • Google Business Profile optimization • Social media management • Brand identity • Communication strategy • Copywriting
Homepage • About us • Blog • Contact • Terms & conditions • Privacy policy
Our services
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